I was reminded recently by Howard Partridge that each and everyone of us is a phenomenal product and that “God don’t make no junk.” I’ve heard this said many times over the years and it just dawned on me how powerful that statement is for one very important reason. Zig Ziglar tells it best when he describes how you would treat a million dollar race horse if you had one. You would not keep it up late at night, feed it poor quality food, and let it drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Well, if you think you are a million dollar product then you would not do the same things to yourself. What’s more important than all of that is what you put into your mind. If you put garbage into your mind you will get garbage out in the form of your thoughts and behavior. So, treat yourself as if you are a phenomenal product and create higher standards for yourself. The standards we set are a reflection of our self-image. If you have a poor self-image then you will have poor standards followed by poor results. It becomes a never ending cycle unless you make the decision to reverse it. Decide today that you are phenomenal.