Discouragement is a choice

Dis “courage” ment has courage in it.  To be discouraged is to decide to ignore the courage that is in the word and in you.  Choose to be courageous.  Choose to be hopeful and faithful.  Discouragement is a feeling, an emotion, and a state of being.  We are not put into this state; however, we choose to be there.  The reason we allow ourselves to be there is because it allows us to give excuses for not having what we want.  It removes us from responsibility.  It allows us to be a victim.  If we choose to be a victim we don’t have to take action, and we allow circumstances to determine our fate.  When you begin to feel discouraged decide to be encouraged instead by focusing on the opportunities you have to act.  Look at the choices you have and pick one.  Get moving and put your focus on the result you want rather than the result your got.

You are Phenomenal

I was reminded recently by Howard Partridge that each and everyone of us is a phenomenal product and that “God don’t make no junk.”  I’ve heard this said many times over the years and it just dawned on me how powerful that statement is for one very important reason.  Zig Ziglar tells it best when he describes how you would treat a million dollar race horse if you had one.  You would not keep it up late at night, feed it poor quality food, and let it drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.  Well, if you think you are a million dollar product then you would not do the same things to yourself.  What’s more important than all of that is what you put into your mind.  If you put garbage into your mind you will get garbage out in the form of your thoughts and behavior.  So, treat yourself as if you are a phenomenal product and create higher standards for yourself.  The standards we set are a reflection of our self-image.  If you have a poor self-image then you will have poor standards followed by poor results.  It becomes a never ending cycle unless you make the decision to reverse it.  Decide today that you are phenomenal.

Change the World

Change the world today by changing yourself.  The world I see is my world alone.  When I change my world changes, and I have the power to change myself.  You can only change yourself.  So, abandon the desire to change others.

Hello world!

Welcome to my site.  I hope this will be a place you come for inspiration and to learn successful strategies for achieving your dreams.  Carpe diem means seize the day.  That is just what I hope you do every day.  It all begins with making a decision to take action.  The number one reason we don’t succeed in life is because of FTA (Failure To Act).  Fear causes FTA, and you can overcome both fear and FTA by recognizing that failure is a path toward success.  The only meaning fear really has is the meaning we give it.  When you change the way you see things, the things you see change.