Discouragement is a choice

Dis “courage” ment has courage in it.  To be discouraged is to decide to ignore the courage that is in the word and in you.  Choose to be courageous.  Choose to be hopeful and faithful.  Discouragement is a feeling, an emotion, and a state of being.  We are not put into this state; however, we choose to be there.  The reason we allow ourselves to be there is because it allows us to give excuses for not having what we want.  It removes us from responsibility.  It allows us to be a victim.  If we choose to be a victim we don’t have to take action, and we allow circumstances to determine our fate.  When you begin to feel discouraged decide to be encouraged instead by focusing on the opportunities you have to act.  Look at the choices you have and pick one.  Get moving and put your focus on the result you want rather than the result your got.