7 Reasons Why You Fail to Succeed

  1. Your limiting beliefs hold you back.
    • A belief that you can’t is a belief that you won’t.
  2. Looking for the answer to the question, How do I do it?
    • Most worthwhile endeavor don’t have the answer to this question.
  3. Fear
    • False Evidence Appearing Real keeps us from taking action.
  4. Your image of the world and yourself.
    • If you don’t think you are worthy of success or that the world has conspired against you because of who you think you are will keep you form trying.
  5. Your environment
    • Family, friends, and community shape your beliefs about yourself and the world.
  6. You are only interested, not committed.
    • The chicken was interested in opening a breakfast restaurant and the pig was committed.  You can easily walk away from interest, you’re all in when you are committed.
  7. You don’t have a coach.
    • Every great athlete had a coach.  You can’t see yourself and you are not honest with yourself.  A coach helps you overcome those two obstacles.